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Twin Rivers trail, Newe Zealand

By January of 2017 my business was sold and I began a life of total freedom to do whatever I wanted with my life. Since then I have been doing many things.

Exercising. Not to gross you out but I love to sweat and raise my heartbeat while performing some sporty activity. I run, I like to swim at every opportunity, I'm cycling the world, walking places, hiking unknown trails and mountains, rafting beautiful bodies of water. Being active is my favorite thing to do.

Traveling. One of my passions in life and not a dream anymore. My every day reality.

Working. Being useful and productive fills me with satisfaction. Going to bed exhausted after a hard day of work is one of the most satisfying things in life. I have been working around houses, fixing broken things and making upgrades. I love fixing things and working with my hands.

Cooking. I have been rediscovering old and forgotten skills.

Eating. The most fulfilling thing to do while I'm out and about. Enjoying and sharing meals with people doesn't compare to anything.

Exploring this huge and marvelous world we are fortunate to call home.

Meeting hundreds of new friends.

Learning and being in awe of the immensity of our ignorance.

Getting injured and coping with pain.

Letting this amazing organism called my body heal by itself.

Appreciating beauty everywhere I go. Beautiful world, nature, architecture, technology, spirituality, humanity. I'm no longer shy expressing my feelings in front of beauty. I go by the world saying 'you’re beautiful', women need to hear it, it warms their hearts. Specially in societies where they are not used to. I literally see their eyes shine and their hearts jumping with gusto.

Resting. Oh what a decadent pleasure! Resting just because I want to, not because is my break or the clock is dictating it.

Being one with the Almighty, in constant communication in spirit.

Enjoying life to the fullest.

I no longer compare to anyone. My life got simplified.

I'm learning to be content with whatever life throws at me. I go with the flow. I like to think I'm a leaf tossed to and fro by the wind.

I'm understanding the whole meaning of the verb TO BE.

So I'm just BEING, I'm just EXISTING, I just LIVE.

And that, somehow... fills my heart with happiness.

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